Tuesday 31 December 2013

Cheers to 2013!

Well, that year went by super fast! How many times have you heard that? Seriously though, it really did go by fast.
2013 was a very busy year filled with weddings, babies, projects, vacations, new jobs and so much more! It was also filled with some not so much fun times but I will keep to the positives in this post!

Simply Chic Decor had a pretty good year filled with many wedding rentals and several furniture makeovers including one made into a dollhouse, which I will be sharing with you lovely people on Friday!

As for my personal life, I would love to share 13 of my favourite memories this year!

Craig and Katalyn's Wedding-January 26, 2013 (Blue Coral Photography)

Our Dodgeball Team

Las Vegas-February

Mike and Alison's Wedding-March 9,2013 (Athena Leskun Photography)  

Dan and Tamara's Wedding-April 6,2013 (Didn't get a picture with them :( )

Baby Landon-Born May 13, 2013 (Had the pleasure of photographing his 
birth, newborn photos, etc.)

Bryan and Johanna's Wedding- July 13, 2013 (Brother-in-law/Sister-in-law) 

Las Vegas with my love-July

Justin Timberlake/Jay-Z with my BFF-July

Brad and Melissa's Wedding-September 7,2013 (Well, Hello Photography)

2nd Wedding Anniversary in Whistler-September 17, 2013

Hawaii with my family-December

Selling our Rental Home!

Well there you have it! There were many, many other exciting times throughout the year but I chose what stood out most in my mind!
I hope 2014 is as awesome as 2013 was!

Have a safe and happy New Year from my family to yours! :)

Love, B


Monday 30 December 2013

Winter Wedding!


It feels great to get back on here and do some regular blog posts in the next couple of weeks again. With all of our Christmas/New Year celebrations finishing up in the next couple of days, I may have some extra time to get some much needed projects finished and our home somewhat organized. 

Over the past couple seasons I have done a post on what I think would be some great ideas for upcoming weddings in the particular time of year. Not all of them are necessarily affordable or feasible but it is fun to plan out an imaginary wedding in a matter of a couple hours. ;)


Hair and makeup! (Found here)
Wedding dress with a Lace Jacket (found here)

Gorgeous bouquet! (Found here)
Invitations! (Found here)

Amazing! Horse drawn carriage with plaid! (Found here)

The guest tables! (Found here)
Who doesn't love some cheesecake? (Found here)

I will be back tomorrow with an overview of 2013 and what 2014 looks like for my blog, business and personal life!

Have a wonderful evening!

Love, B

Monday 4 November 2013

Melissa & Brad's Furniture!

Good Evening!

About a year ago I did a draw for a free coffee table that I refinished in white and my dear friend, Melissa won it! (Shown below)

Recently Melissa and Brad were married and moved out into a new place together and needed some more furniture to furnish their new home. Melissa found some great side tables that match the coffee table and I had a pretty, vintage desk that I didn't need anymore so I put a little extra love into it for them. ;)

Here are the before and after pictures of the side tables. I refinished them in the same white as the coffee table and lightly distressed them.


Below is the desk I refinished with a little surprise when you open the drawers.


Happy Monday!

Love, B

Friday 25 October 2013

Busy Bee

Good Evening!

It's been a few weeks since I last posted and I wanted to share with you wonderful people what I have been up to since I have some time while I recover at home (wisdom teeth removed yesterday).

Along with several makeovers on the go, refinishing several pieces of furniture, cleaning out our garage and storage, working at my other jobs and having a small surgery, I have also been able to practice some photography which relieves some stress for me.
The furniture projects that are being redone at the moment will be posted in the next week, so be sure to stay tuned for some before and afters. :)
Here is a sneak peek of a couple of them beforehand.

Console table with some thrift store finds :)

One of the rooms I have started redoing over the past couple of weeks is the dining room. Here it is pictured below but it is in need of a table with chairs, another cabinet to fit on the end, a rug and art/pictures to hang on the walls. I would also like to find a vintage or a cool bar cart to add into this room to hold my decanters and other fun stuff!

Another makeover I have been working on is our living room. Most of it has been finished for a while but I would love to redo our floors and our fireplace. For a temporary fix right now I'm going to paint and stencil the back of it for now. So far I have filled the holes where the hooks were and primed the tile.

The other room I have been working on is my office including the craft closet I started in the summer which has been taken apart three times...
Here is what the set up is like right now but it is still in makeover mode at the moment.

The closet just needs a shelf, the pegboard to be painted and organized properly to be complete. :) 

That is what I will share for now on our house and furniture makeovers but I would love to end the post with a few photos I have taken recently. Enjoy!

I hope everyone has an excellent weekend!

Love, B