Friday 18 January 2013


 Hello All!

Since last week I have been working on and catching up on some of my rooms in my home. I'm trying to get at least two finished and my hallway before the end of the month!

I will definitely post before and afters when they are all finished up but for now I will show you some of my inspirations for the rooms/hallway I found on Pinterest! You can follow me on Pinterest to see other home, wedding and personal inspirations.

For the Hallway:


Spare Bedroom:

Love, B

Friday 11 January 2013

Featured Furniture

For about 2 years now I have been redoing furniture here and there for our home. Some have been sold over the past few months but some of the pieces that I will be showing will be staying....for now.

First off, the coffee table set that I finished off this week for our living room. I fell in love with this set at a garage sale one day in the spring and finalllllly finished it this week in a light grey with dark grey handles. Here it is!

In our bedroom, I painted this dresser, nightstand and desk all in a light grey/beige that I mixed together with black handles. Here is a before and after picture!

And the last room I will be showing is the dining room. We no longer have the hutch and we are putting the table up for sale but this is what we had for a while. The pieces that we have in there now are white and I will be sharing those next time. :)

Thanks so much for checking out some of our furniture!
Next week I will be doing a before and after of a bathroom and possibly a spare bedroom!

Love, B

Thursday 10 January 2013

Money Challenge

Well folks, we are into the second week of the New Year and I have another challenge for Steve (my husband) and I to commit to. I'm sure most of you who have facebook or pinterest have seen this 52 week money challenge. This is what it looks like if you haven't:

Each week we will be putting in money for both of us, so instead of it being $1.00 the first week we will double it since there are two of us. In the end, we should have 2756.00!!! 

Some of the things I would like to do with the money:
  1. Finally travel the world together....or at least be able to afford a roundtrip flight!
  2. Get some hiking equipment 
  3. Put towards another vehicle or bike
  4. Save...

Anyways this was just a personal post I thought I would share! Maybe I will encourage some others to do the same? What would you do with the money at the end of the year?

Love, B

Friday 4 January 2013


Happy New Years!

I have a few New Years resolutions for this year, unlike last year where I had more, which I did but didn't finish all the books I thought I would have by July. 

I also never make any of my resolutions to eat healthy or to lose weight because those are weekly challenges I always try to start each Monday and quickly fail at after about 10am. 

Anyways my resolutions are:

  1. Blog more. Post more. (Even if its just pictures) I hope to at least once a week.
  2. Run. I dislike running, I really do but it helps my back so I guess I will do it and I'm fortunate enough to be able to. I would also like to do a marathon but lets not get ahead of ourselves here....
  3. Learn to play piano, again. I was around 7/8 when I last played.
  4. Finish decorating our home. It's almost been 2 years!
  5. Be more spontaneous......I'm starting this resolution by joining a dodgeball team! 

Well 2013, all I have to say is...challenge accepted!

Love, B

hello world

Welcome to my piece of the internet where I showcase my business, life and inspirations!

You can find me on facebook here....


Love, B